COVID Risk Assessment


KASJOG Risk Assessment: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

Scope: This is a COVID-19 risk assessment for KASJOG and its members for rehearsals in 2021-22. It will be reviewed and updated periodically as circumstances and risks change.

Hazard: The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that can infect a person and make them ill causing COVID-19. This includes variants of the virus and in particular the most recent Delta variant which is more transmissible than previous ones and is the prevalent one circulating in the UK.

How can KASJOG members become infected with COVID-19 at rehearsal?

Coronavirus can be spread and infect a person through:

  • Breathing in the exhaled droplets from an infected person who coughs, breathes, or sneezes close to you;
  • Breathing in aerosolised virus from infected persons as above;
  • Contact with contaminated surfaces (from someone who is infected) with your hands and subsequently touching your mouth, eyes, face etc. 
  • Direct personal physical contact with an infected person 

The entry into the body is through the nose, mouth and eyes. The aim is to stop or reduce spread thereby risk.

The risk of transmission outdoors is less than indoors due to the dilution and dispersion due to the air / movements. Indoors the risk can be reduced by maintaining good preferably natural ventilation.


Vaccinated persons and particularly fully vaccinated (2 jabs) are at a much lower risk in terms of transmission and health impact severity.


Many factors will change the individual risk depending on their conditions, age and vaccination status. Without any controls it is very likely that a KASJOG member would become infected with COVID-19 during rehearsals. With the below mention controls, the likelihood that a KASJOG member would become infected with COVID-19 due to rehearsals, is reduced to medium.


This risk assessment does not cover how KASJOG members travel to rehearsal. It is expected that very few use public transport. This risk assessment also does not include the risk from traveling and sharing a vehicle with other KASJOG members outside the family.

Control strategy

A - Preventing attendance under circumstances of elevated risk

  1. Members are asked to do their own health assessment and stay away if: 
  • they have symptoms / feel unwell 
  • tested positive (PCR or Lateral flow) 
  • have been told to self-isolate
  • someone they have close contact with has tested positive 
  • are quarantining after a visit abroad
  1. Members are encouraged to test themselves regularly using lateral flow tests. These can be obtained for free through various chemists, at NHS online, through the NHS COVID App, or by dialling 119.
  2. If any members have not yet been fully vaccinated, they are strongly encouraged to become so.
  3. If someone becomes unwell at rehearsal:
  • Person goes home and follows NHS procedures 
  • Anyone who had close contact goes home and follows NHS procedures 
  • Person with symptoms informs committee / close contacts of test results 
  • If positive inform wider attendees and venue 
  1. Rehearsals are only attended by those needing to rehearse, to specifically witness or support the rehearsal.


B - Reducing risk from spread through the air 

  1. Doors and windows are kept open as much as possible.
  2. Fans are placed in corners of room. 
  3. Face coverings are donned as much as possible and in particular when not participating in a specific rehearsal. 
  4. No casual chatting indoors during rehearsal. Socialising outside only.
  5. 2m social distancing in general and whilst rehearsing – singing. 
  6. Social distancing recommendations will be adhered to as much as possible during setting and blocking; nearer the week of production we may be able to move into something that looks more natural. 
  7. No more than 2 people in the corridor / toilets at a time.
  8. Break-out rehearsals only when sufficient space available in other halls, and only when the Maybury Centre management have agreed.
  9. Singers to be socially distanced in a row and staggered seating for the rows so that nobody is directly behind anyone else. A side-by-side orientation to be maintained as much as possible.
  10. Pianist to be located away from singers, for example next to / behind but not in front. To be fine-tuned in dialogue with pianist and MD.
  11. The front row is positioned at a sensible distance from the SD and MD at the front. SD and MD wear face shields as far as practical.
  12. SD to use Microphone + amp to avoid the need to shout to get participant’s attention. 


C - Reducing risk from spread through surface contact

  1. No refreshments will be provided. Participants bring their own coffee/tea/water
  2. Each participant to clean their chair before rehearsal and after last use. 
  3. While hand sanitizers and wipes are available in the Maybury Centre’s halls and toilets, members are asked to also bring their own hand wash / hand sanitiser to be used as needed for regular hand washing / sanitising. Participants are requested use their judgement and help to clean common touch points e.g. in toilets, door handles etc. 
  4. No sharing of libs where possible - hand sanitiser to be used where unavoidable.
  5. Any props used during rehearsals must be handled by the user only and that person will be responsible for placing, collecting and returning their props, as far as is possible, during show week.


D -Reducing risk by communication and compliance

  1. Anyone who has the NHS Test and Trace app on their phone, to use the Maybury Centre QR code to check in.
  2. KASJOG will maintain a register of attendees at each rehearsal which will be kept for three weeks, so that all participants can be informed if a positive case reported.
  3. This Risk Assessment is made available for all stakeholders to see and will be emailed to all rehearsal participants.
  4. These instructions and expected behaviours (also see guide of behaviours below) are sent to all members. 
  5. Posters at venue reminding of procedures (e.g. wash hands, social distancing, one way systems).
  6. Verbal reminders at rehearsals (SD+MD).
  7. KASJOG Committee, as well as SD and MD reserve the right to discontinue participation of anyone who does not comply with the rules. No refund.



Should a member of the group become ill with COVID-19, this needs to be communicated to all other members as well as Maybury Centre management. Whether the rehearsal schedule needs to be altered will depend on the specific circumstances. The Committee and Directors are to make any further decisions needed once all NHS and government requirements have been complied with.



Before rehearsal

  • Bring your own music. Do not share equipment if possible (use hand sanitiser if you have to).
  • Bring your own refreshments.
  • We will keep doors and windows open as much as possible - consider bringing warm clothing. 
  • We encourage you to use lateral flow tests regularly (ideally the day of rehearsal if you can).

On arrival at the Maybury Centre

  • Wash / sanitise your hands on arrival and regularly after that.
  • Enter by the rehearsal hall entrance only, not by the main entrance
  • Check using the Maybury Centre’s QR code.
  • Check in on the KASJOG check-in list provided by the Committee.
  • Sanitize your hands and clean your chair. 

During rehearsal 

  • Maintain 2m social distancing. 
  • Be respectful of each other’s space. 
  • Wear a face mask when not rehearsing. 
  • Follow any protocols the venue has in place. 
  • Where Gloria and/or Dick request modifications to seating arrangement, calmly follow these, taking your own chair to the new location.
  • Avoid touching shared surfaces as much as possible.


If you wish to discuss any of the above measure please contact a Committee Member.

Please help by bringing your own spare face masks, hand gel and anti bac spray/wipes. 

Treats such as home-baked cakes for example at birthdays, are allowed to be brought in and a piece/slice collected by participants. The risk from such items is low as long as these have been prepared hygienically (as you’d expect in any case), they do not go from hand to hand, sensible queuing and handling is used and participants do not cluster / hang around at the collection point. 

Even if you have been vaccinated, you will need to comply with these rules.

In the event of non-compliance by an individual, two warnings will be given - after a second warning, you may be asked to leave.

If you do not comply, you will jeopardise our ability to hold rehearsals and stage our production and risk being expelled. 

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